David Loret de Mola

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The 52 Weeks Project - Week 25

For the "real poets" who felt like they just had to tell me what "real poetry" is while we were both reading in coffee shops and juice lounges. For every show organizer who shoved me into the back of the room because "poetry doesn't entertain," despite almost every show I've run being not just sold out, but ending with standing ovations and joyful tears in peoples' eyes.

I've been in rooms where people have driven across multiple state lines out of excitement for the work. But yeah, it doesn't entertain. Right. For everyone who's told me to edit my work for content - not for the language used, but because they didn't like the message. People hate poetry because it is never presented in a modern form - and, so often when it is, we bury it despite just how many examples of exemplary moments are created by poets. I am grateful for every last opportunity I've gotten. and every time a friend in this art form has risen higher. Keep rising.

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